there is a funny thing with mac os.
when you have a window partially outside of the screen, there is a risk mac os reopens it later on a different screen.
here for example, the sandbox might open on my other screen next time. same for the tags panel.
and as a proof, I quit, then reopen, and voilà, the tag panel is on my other screen (sandbox remained)
This is a standard macos behaviour, for years now. the problem in SU is that all the panels are actually tiny windows, and work as such. the os seems to think it’s helping you, “hey, looks like you needed more space, I put all that junk next door”
same way, there is actually a “safe zone” on the dock. I’m sure someone will come by and say “well acthually, you could hide the dock, and make some more space blablabla” I know, but I’m a docker.
as you see, my SU window rests on top of the dock. I like it that way, allow me to have some files ready at hand on the sides of the dock (I find this a handy space). You see my solid toolbar actually hangs lower, it’s invading the dock space.
and this is after restart. it got slightly shifted up so the dock space is clean.
Since you recently switched, you’ll find many little things like that, they’ll feel weird because you’re used to a pc, for long time mac users, they’re actually normal. it’s like switching languages.
why is it like that?
Mac OS GUI. all those years ago, the dev team developed the mac version using the macos graphic interface. That’s also the reason we have the macos colour panel instead of SU’s one.
Wouldn’t it be better to have the same on mac and PC ? yeah, I agree. Adobe jumped the gun a few years ago (darn, a decade ago? more?) by revamping both interfaces. it’s a big task, as SU 2023 proves (changing the GUI framework on PC this year was not completely smooth)
No idea if it’s in the pipes. we’ll just have to live and tell.
how do I organise my space ?
like that. I don’t have a lot of stuff, my panels are on the side where they don’t annoy me, most of them are closed, if I have extra toolbars I need, they’ll go top right, so they won’t cover fredo’s tools. On PC, I tend to have more toolbars, rows and rows, but in the end, I don’t use the majority of the tools and panels on a daily basis.