Hello everyone i posted something similar to this like 2 months ago but couldn’t figure it so may be if you guys can help me. I learned sketch up on my own so i might missed the learn this part i would be if you guys can help me. There is an attached .skp file i need to put this detail to my roof plan. But there is a lot of edges so it makes my system slower while drawing and also sometimes it is crashing. How can i decrease the edge stats but cover the details originality. Thanks in advice for your interest.
You have uploaded a section through a metal roof panel. Or, to be more precise, through two panels contained in one group. At present, it is a 2D drawing.
If you want to show a detail of how certain parts go together, you might either keep to a traditional 2D drawing or show just a typical portion of a roof in 3D. Do you really need the whole roof and every part of it in minute detail? Most people doing construction drawings for a living have a “big picture” and “little picture” set of drawings that are often separate.
BTW, if I were using your section to create the roof panel, I would get rid of the incomplete bits of panel, extrude the remaining complete one, and then use that as a component to repeat across the roof. Like this: kenet detay.skp (422.0 KB)