Newbie Closing up complicated polygon

I am trying to sketch out my roof and can’t seem to get the final two sides to get a face. I was wondering if anyone has any tips.

So far I have turned on edges to be colored by axis and that helped. But I am down to the last two faces.

… any thoughts?


See that line right there, it’s out of plane with that other line. Problem solved.


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I think you’re under the impression this is the psychics’ convention. That’s just down the hall.


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LOL… Thanks I feel like I am going crazy… I tried uploading a file but it did not like the format (.3ds). would like to show the real problem if I can.

I’m sure we’d all like that.


house.skp (172.9 KB)

Ok try this… I just uploaded the whole file.

One thing you may find helpful in using the “on face” inference. You start a line, move the cursor to one of your roof facets and press shift. Then you can move to another vertex and hopefully form a face.


house ss.skp (166.5 KB)

Thanks Shep. Wow… That worked! It took a little while to get the hang of it, but I got er done!

Thanks again!

Cool, it’s probably worth noting that I didn’t really go through the roof model looking for symmetry. Also, the color by axis thing is virtually worthless at least when it comes to small errors. Don’t trust it.


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Another note: if you do what Shep suggested and the faces disappear when you delete the interior edges, that is proof that your points are not co-planar. You can form a triangular face with any three points, but for more than three they must all be in the same plane.

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