thank you in advance if you are able to help me out. I have gone to a point I have no idea what I’m doing and need some expert help. Im trying to design a 3d model to give my wife a better point of view for our new home we are trying to build this fall. I have little experience from just playing with the app and one short class in school year ago. I have not taken any extended courses. If I’ve done it right. I will attached pictures of the ideas she likes and the SKP file. I’m trying to get the roof lines, front, and back porch to look appropriate to the size of the building.
The elevations and pictures are what my wife wants. I have to physically create the roof and side elevations. The plan (skp file) is what we created from scratch
Your floor plan looks nothing like what I would expect the houses you show as examples to look like. I’m not sure how you build those roofs to look like your plan…
I would suggest you consider your plan, how the rooms flow together, how you actually live (is that a giant ass garage off to the side?) and then work with volumes to create the space, adjusting the plan and the roof lines as you go.
I see it a lot - people get an image of a custom or architect designed home into their head and try to cram that image onto what they want their plan to be… it’s backwards. Come up with how you will live in / use the space and then work through generally massing and then start from the roof and work back down.
Did not buy the plan. She jumped on a FB group and that’s where she got the ideas / picture initially posted. Would dropping one of the bedrooms on the right help? That and it would shrink sqft
With that floor plan you can made an accurate model of the house, you must import it to SketchUp, draw a line on any of the lines of the plan that you know its real life dimension then use the measurment tape tool select both ends of the line you just drew and without exiting the tool type the dimension you want that line to be then hit enter and accept on the dialog box asking you if you want to resize the model. then just draw on top of the floor plan, you should type the dimensions on the floor plan even after scaling it to be more precise. You can design a roof for the house similar to the one on your images after creating the walls, if you know how to do it.
Did you get the help you need? I’m an architect and could do this for you. As long as it doesn’t get into designing and taking a lot of time, I can help you free of charge.