Ok, I know this is a continuous topic but I am still confused. I want a nice crisp, narrow black line, particularly in the 3D Isometric shots of my pdf. It looks fine in SU 2024 Pro, but then layout thickens it all too much for the finer details to show correctly in construction documentation.
I have done the following:
In Style settings in SU I have un-checked the profiles box of my standard Style to get SU to show narrow lines (or none at all) on edges.
In Layout I stop the JPEG compression during PDF output, I have the rendering settings resolution set to High and un-checked Output Override. For the viewports there is a mix of Hybrid, Raster and Vector, but all show the same thicker lines.
What am I missing or doing wrong? 3 Screenshots below and pdf output attached for reference!
Even just looking at the pixilation in this just irritates the hell out of me with Layout and it’s lack of usability . Fair enough it is a raster output for this viewport, but that’s only because it doesn’t display the transparency and materials of that particular style if I set it to Vector or Hybrid.
In LO click on the viewports and adjust the line scale down to 0.4pt or 0.2pt under the SketchUp Model > Viewport tray and see if that does it for you.
For pipes or rounded edges, I sometimes like to turn on profiles (profile = 1) in SU style for a cleaner edge in LO.
It would be interesting to know more about the style you are using. As was suggested, setting Profiles to 1 may be useful. I almost always have profiles set that. Reducing the viewport’s Line Scale may also help. As for the transparency thing, I wonder why you are having problems with that in LO 2024. I have set up a viewport rendered as Hybrid with Line Scale set to the default 0.5 pt.