The file could have been erased by Trimble Connect

Ciao everybody,

I just upgraded SketchUp free to Go and tried to open a file I have been working on over the last month but the file doesn’t open at all.
There is a red exclamation mark within the cloud icon of the project, while the other old files/projects are all ok with just the cloud icon…
I tried the followings actions:

  • Open the file: and I got “this does not appear to be a SketchUp model!”
  • Open the chronology of the same file and tried to open an older version: I got “Error in download, the file could have been erased by Trimble Connect”
  • Tried to duplicate the file: “duplication failed” message
  • I downloaded the file, opened a new project and uploaded the file in it: I got “file not found or invalid”

I don’t have any backup, aside the copy I downloaded after the problem came out, here is the wetransfer link:

Attaching here below the red exclamation mark in the cloud icon:

I used SketchUp free and Go (2024 I guess)
MacBook Pro Apple M1 Max


In a browser, go to and open the ‘SketchUp’ project.
Try to download the file from there, or check the version history and sownload an earlier version.

Thanks Mike! I managed to download an earlier version and upload it in a new project.
Just one thing to flag: while uploading, the whole project became a component… I can still filter everything through tags but it seems there no groups/no separate components anymore and everything it’s just merged in one big component… any tips on how to disgregate it?
Thanks again!

When you import a sketchup file, it becomes a component.
You can explode it in the new or open it directly.