My file doesn't open, it's saying this does not appear to be a sketch model. What do I do?

I used my friends laptop for this project and sent the file to myself but forgot to download it then, I wasn’t able to download it when I tried it now, so I asked my friend to send the file again from his laptop. He searched the file from his laptop’s backup and sent both the skp and skb files, but both of them won’t open. its saying it doesn’t not appear to be a sketch file.
what to do?


The file you shared is nearly all zeroes and not recoverable. Compressed there’s almost nothing in the file. Compressed (zipped) it’s about 0.1% of the uncompressed size. If it was a good file the compressed version would be somewhere above 90% of the uncompressed file size. Typically around 92% or 93%. Not much compression at all.

I think you’ll need to start over.

Your profile says you are using SketchUp Free which is the web based version. Was there a copy of it saved to your Trimble Connect storage?

im using it on the Mac, its the app with the free trial
im not able to upload the original file because its too big

Please correct your forum profile. If you are using the desktop version’s 30-day trial it is still SketchUp Pro not the Free Plan. Please put the Mac OS version in the Operating System field. Your answer of 2023 isn’t correct.

The zip file you shared contains the SketchUp file which unzips to 418 Mb (which is a huge file) but as I wrote, it’s almost entirely zeroes. Nothing to recover. If it had been a recoverable file it would have been still to large to share after you zipped it up.