Texture - Needing to Match Product Sample Colors

File Import etc and so on…

When I create a new material in SketchUp, I draw a rectangle at the size the texture image should cover and apply the texture to that. Assuming your texture image, above, is supposed to be 24 inches tall, I would start with a rectangle that is 24 in. tall. The other dimension is not important. Importing it this way makes it exactly the right size and gives me a chance to see it before I apply it to a model.

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Looking at the site again-- the vertical textures looked OK, but you want the horizontal siding and I see now those are terrible. They just took the same picture for 6" reveal image and for 8" and 12" just blew it up, with a heavier shadow and all. You are better off finding a nice white wall texture from SketchUp Texture club or wherever and adjusting the color to suit yourself.

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With Dave’s example you just count the number of boards in the image, and multiply by the exposure to see how high the panel should be in SketchUp.

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wOw that worked! aye… so simple but i didn’t think to do it that way. Thanks AGAIN!!!


I’ve used this method for years for the wood grain materials I make. I generally know how long the “boards” are but the widths tend to be rather random. I can easily import the materials and apply them to rectangles I’ve drawn to the proper length and bob’s yer uncle.

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Yes, I actually have a nice texture but haven’t been able to figure how to get the color to adjust. See in the video, I don’t seem to have the same controls that DaveR showed me above. Both RGBs are reading the same when I try to edit each material.

Do you have more than one siding texture?

Yup the one on the left is my standard side that I like but just can’t figure out how to change the color. The one on the right is my new LP Onyx import (per your gracious instructions, thx) (Just need to edit out those white lines later but it works somewhat.

OK. The RGB color for the image is going to be basically an average or mean for all of the pixels so it could be that those values are the same between the two.

Did you find an image editor, yet?

Yup! Installed one called Seahorse. I will link it and work on those white lines. So… i guess I can’t tweak the blue-ish one to be more “onyx”.
At this point maybe I am splitting hairs anyway… but it would be nice if this were a simple process. A few more rounds and I will let it go.

Check your PMs.

I looked for instruction for Seahorse to see if I could tell you how to edit the image to remove the white lines. Those lines are along the top and left edges of the image. In PaintDOTNet, I changed the canvas size from 400px square to 398px square and made it crop from the left and top. That takes care of it and we go from this:

To this:
Screenshot - 1_31_2020 , 2_23_32 PM

there is always a quick and dirty way…




I got it by just cropping.
Finally got it! Here are 4 dark colors of LP 8" Lap siding if anyone wants them… :slight_smile: LP Siding .skp (318.4 KB)