Technical problems

I cannot open many of my sketchUp files: I get this message: “This does not appear to be a SketchUp Model!”.

Where have you stored these files? Are they stored in some cloud location?

Thank you DaveR. i,ve stored them in my pendrive.

What happens if you copy the file to your hard drive and try to open it? The only recommended place to store the files is your hard drive.

I´ll try that, thank you

tried… it didin´t solve the problem

If you create a new model and save it to your hard drive then close and reopen SketchUp, can you open that new file? It is possible that the previous file was corrupted during the save to the pendrive and is no longer recognized as a valid SketchUp file. As @RLGL pointed out, the only recommended place to have SketchUp save files is the local hard drive. It is ok to copy them to and from other places, but the active version accessed by SketchUp needs to be on a local non-removable drive.

thanks. I can. but older files are the ones I cannot open. Even those in my Documents folders. i´ve been doing this for years, saving my designs in any device or on the local drive and I´ve never had any problems. I dont know why this is hapening now.

I think you have been fortunate. There have been reports for a number of years of files (not just SketchUp files) becoming corrupted when they’ve been saved and opened directly from non local drives.

As for why it is happening now, it would be interesting to see what might have changed in the network. Could be something like a slow connection, too many people accessing the server at the same time, something else.

Hi there,

Android 6
SU mobile viewer 3.0(497)

Where can I find my drawings so far after viewer reinstallation?
This trimble connection doesn’t seem to work at all. The attached pictures show that continents can be chosen … All my drawings so far are gone ??
It had to be reinstalled.
So far they have been unable to help, trimble is not responding at all, FB group has also rejected …
Is it really bothering me that all my work so far on mobile is unavailable ??
somebody please answer or direct me where they know the answer!

Looking forward to a quick and meaningful answer!
I prefer the simple , easier email:
Thanks in advance.


I pinged Adam privately.

With updated versions, the access API can change and that may be one reason. You can log into Trimble Connect and see if your models are still there. Unfortunately SU mobile viewer 3.0 is no longer supported. We are currently on version 5.2. Do you have a way to upgrade to this latest release?

Also, be certain that you are logging in with the same Trimble ID you used to upload your models.

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