System Has Run Out of Application Memory

I’ve had this problem three times in two weeks while working in Sketchup, I think it is not due to file size because the last time was working with a file of 380 KB. Here are son facts:

  • Working on MAC system with El Capitan updated one week before the problems began.

  • The last time the problem happened I was able to run Activity Monitor Tool and showed that Sketchup went from 2.21 GB to 74.65 GB, also my mouse software (Logitech 500s) was no responding.

  • There were 3 application open

  • I’m also using a wire 3D Connexion mouse.

  • Information about SU Version, System, file size and Activity Memory Report are in images attached.

I would like to know if the problem is related to El Capitan, if it’s so, could update to OS X Sierra solve the problem?

I would check for updates of the 3D connection mouse driver/plugin. There have been issues reported with it consuming runaway amounts of memory.

I’ll check this tonight, thanks

It seems a very likely explanation. I bought a 3Dconnexion CADmouse about 6mo ago, but had to send it back - the device driver and 3Dconnexion plugin ran away with memory and crashed SU after a few mins.

If updating the driver doesn’t fix things, try not only uninstalling the driver software, but also remove the plugin code. It is not installed in the usual User’s library folder ~/Library/Application Support/Sketchup /Sketchup/Plugins folder, but the System one starting /Library/…

I too was running El Capitan.

Well, I really like this device, but I’ll have to Follow your advice as the driver are updated and I had forgotten that before upgrading to El Capitan I had it unplugged due to many crashes SU .


3d connexion released a driver update for Mac yesterday, give it a whirl and see if it fixes your problem.