Switching viewports to vector mode from raster mode raking ridiculously long

I have been trying to switch all my view ports from Raster to Vector but i haven’t successfully converted even one view port to vector it just keeps spinning over and over again and I’m having a jury in few days time, I dont even know what to do at this point
I think it’s because of the specification of my PC, i’d be glad if i could see someone to help me convert them on thier end Thanks

It could be your PC or it just be that your model is very complex and it’s going to take a long time anyway.
The best thing for you to do is share the file here, either using the upload function or by using a file sharing site like WeTransfer so somebody can take a look.

Okay thanks
Can you help with it btw?

I will be finishing work soon so will not be able to look at it until next week but if you share the file someone on here will hopefully be able to help.

No one has responded except you
Thanks for replying tho
I really appreciate

curious why you want all view ports Vector? Vector and hybrid take more computer “power”. I do use vector viewports. On my Architectural drawings I have some view ports I want to be vector Usually one that get a lot of dimensions like a plan view. This vector view port is an exact copy of the view port that will be used for output. The Vector view port has almost every tag turned off accept for the features I want to dimension. These view ports are on separate layers so when dimensioning I turn on the vector layer and the output layer off then im not rendering textures and components or anything I dont need. I created a vector style to help the vector layer render as fast as possible. I like this because the vector layer is crisp and dimensions are placed quickly and accurately. It is my understanding that layers turned off rerender much faster so I find an advantage in having this setup. I only use vector and hybrid when necessary. Also check your render settings in Document setup use low or medium while working on the project It will speed up render times. You can set output viewport to high with no affect on working in layout.

I’m new to layout so i dont reakky know much about the rendering modes
Just need my presentation plan and working drawing plans in vector mode
In rastar mode it doesnt show my components

If you can share your model someone will help you. If its too large to post you can use drop box or google drive or ???

Can the cause of my components not showing in my floor plan be because I used the style under straight lines "10x pixels?

Just guessed it could be the reason

yes im guessing its a style issue. but not knowing what you are working with will have anyone just guessing. Go back to raster and use one of the default styles. Get it working then refine your line quality. Not having the model it could be a lot of things. Edge settings or ??? its probably something simple. Having your model would really help.

You need to upload your layout file to get help here. It will likely be too big so you will need to upload it to a file sharing service like Dropbox and post a link to it here. Many people are monitoring this forum, someone will help.

I am happy to help you if you send me your files. I teach SketchUp so most likely I will find the cause. Send the google link or we transfer link if you don’t want to share it here….

