SUP24 snapping also broken?

Being forced to use a newer version due to discontinued features, but why does this snapping feature seem to be broken?

It shows “endpoint”, but when i zoom in it is not even near the endpoint of a line/group!?
SUP24 snappoint not snapping correctly

Any clue ghow to fix this?

[Please do not advice to use an previous version of the program :wink: ]

GPU issue ?

meanwhile you can still use SU23, it’s not discontinued.

Old or new graphics engine?
Graphics drivers up to date?
When was the last time you rebooted the machine?

Which features discontinued?

when SU25 is released, SU22 will loos in-app support to the warehouses and location. I guess that’s that ?

Is Length Snapping on? If it is, turn it off.

length snapping it’s turned off

System is up2date.

Last reboot was this morning when i arrived at the office.

Try old graphics engine.

I also get weird bug where I lose all snaps. I switch applications and come back and it works again.

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The broken /discontinued features are known at Trimble/SketchUp and i may/dare not repeat myself…

… but at this moment i need to have 2 or 3 versions of sketchup installed to be able to do my basic sketchup work.

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Just tried the classic setting, but don’t see a difference.
SUP24 snappoint not snapping correctly classic

That is a weird glitch.

Is your driver up to date from NVIDIA (and not just windows).

Edit: is your video card from 2017?

What happens if you turn off Fast Feedback?

And there I thought it was just me when unexpectedly my lines didn’t start where I thought I had started them. I’ve been running into this issue with SU 2024 as well. Usually I use the new graphics engine, though I do switch over to the old one sometimes for specific plugins… I’ll be testing a bit now to see if there is a difference in which one gives this error


Not only does it affect the placement of lines, but moving a group/component can be tricky as well. So my workaround for now is to geo locate a model in sup24 and continue modeling in sup22, which is the latest stable version for us so far.

Could you attach the final result of that model (skp file), where the “misaligned” vertical edges are already there?

Sorry I can’t do that. It’s already been converted to sup22 and edited for the next phase to meet our deadline.

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Unfortunately can’t use sup23 due to other issues we had/have with this version.

IMHO, I believe the issue lies with the computer graphics The Intel dates back to 2015 and is discontinued. What is the age of the PC?