I teach 4 periods each day of CAD and DESIGN based classes in high school. We used to used autocad on desktop PC’s. Then 2 years ago we downloaded Chrome web browser and switched to Sketchup for Schools on same desktop PC’s. Sketchup up worked great on the desktop PC’s. Last year, every teacher and student in our school got a G-Suite for Education google account. No problems. This year each student got a chromebook. The chromebooks ran Sketchup For Schools on Aug 26, 27 of this year. I know it ran, I was there. That evening, I believe google sent an updated version of chrome OS to all the new chromebooks. Sketchup For Schools has not run since. The chromebooks partially launch Sketchup For Schools but then stall. A red banner appears across the top of the screen, " sorry. we encountered a problem with your web browsers webgl support ".
The curious part is older chromebooks (mine is 2 yrs old) with the same chrome OS update will still run Sketchup For Schools. But the newer chromebooks, like the ones each student received will not. Pls help us. I can’t teach Sketchup For Schools if it won’t run on the students new chromebooks. It ran last year on desktops. It ran on Aug 26, 27 on students new chromebooks. It still runs on my 2 year old chromebook with the same chrome OS update. But it will not run on the students new chromebooks with chrome OS ver 76.0.3809.136
The students new chromebooks are HP chromebook model 11 g5 ee, Prod ID: 1fx82ut#aba, S/N: #5cd817543j