SU2021 Default Template

Am I stupid? (don’t answer that)… I’ve created a template for 2021, or thought I did, but it doesn’t retain the location of my Toolbars… any suggestions?

AFAIK, templates don’t do that. Not sure if it’s even possible to save the toolbar layout, but I’m not sure about that.

Toolbars aren’t part of the template. Did you install 2021 correctly using the right click-Run as administrator thing? If not there may have been a permissions problem for the file that holds the toolbar location information. We have seen that before.

@john_mcclenahan toolbar locations and display state can be set and saved. It’s done in a .json file that on Windows is stored as User/App Data/Local/…/PrivatePreferences.

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I just did as usual… downloaded and opened the EXE file to install 20201. My issue is… no matter how many times I adjust my toolbars, the next time I open a file, the toolbars change back to some sort of default layout. Usually, if you adjust or change your workspace, it stays the same for the next file you open up. I can’t figure this out. I also can’t find the Private Preferences file or folder.

You could try right-clicking on the installer EXE file, selecting “Run as administrator” from the context menu, and selecting Repair from the installer dialog. My guess is that your installation method has left some of the needed template etc. folders either missing or with wrong read/write permissions.

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Once I’ve done that, what should be my next steps to set up my repaired 2021 version? shall I just open SketchUp and set up a blank file with my preferences? suggestions?

As written here already, templates have nothing to do with your toolbar positions or other interface settings, but SketchUp, if installed correctly, will remember these from session to session.

@DaveR posted an abbreviated path to the preferences file. The folder it is in is hidden, so it is not easy to find. The full path is (replace the<…>part with your own username)
C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\SketchUp\SketchUp 2021\SketchUp

Anssi / Dave
The Restore worked… now when I open a new or existing file, the toolbars are remaining in the preferred location. Thanks for your help…

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