Dang it! I am still trying to transfer my tools over and cant seem to make it work? I attached a screen shot of my extensions but cant get them to show up ? Any suggestions?
Dang it! I am still trying to transfer my tools over and cant seem to make it work? I attached a screen shot of my extensions but cant get them to show up ? Any suggestions?
Don’t copy extensions from an older version. Download them fresh from their sources.
I am trying to reload the extensions i want and when I do try to install them my SU 2018 opens up? I don’t want the extensions there again I want them in SU 2020? Not sure what I am doing wrong?
Do you have SketchUp 2020 open and are you accessing the Extension Warehouse through the interface in 20202?
Oh boy! I had SU 2018 open so I could see what extensions I wanted back on my other screen and I think that was the problem I think that was the issue as it works now. Sorry Dave!!
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