My SU 2016 is acting weird? I did check that my drivers are up to date for my graphics card
Thanks for your time and help
My SU 2016 is acting weird? I did check that my drivers are up to date for my graphics card
Thanks for your time and help
I think we need more information than “acting weird” to even take a guess how to fix it.
also, is your profile accurate ? still using windows 8,1 ?
Thanks, I’ll start a list of sorts to give you more info,
I use w10
Are you running a legal copy of SKP or a cracked version?
There’s no free web version of SketchUp 2016.
yep, legal copy
Did you just install it, or has it worked before?
Did you get the display driver from the AMD website? How old is the driver?
If I remember right, version 2016 was the last to come in 32- and 64-bit versions. Which one are you running? Which bit version of Windows are you running?
yeee, I found the information, I am running a 64 bit, ver 16.1.2417
been installed for some time now 12/2/22
Which bit version of Windows are you running?, don’t know how to check this, 22H2 is this what you need?
One problem I see, lets say i have drawn a circle, I click on push pull, pull up the circle, it used to be that I could and the cursor would go back to the arrow, doesn’t do that now?
I think your memory is faulty. SketchUp has never switched automatically to Select after a Push/Pull operation. You have to change the tool yourself. The SpaceBar is the default keyboard shortcut for Select.
It would be a huge pain in the posterior if it worked as you described when you have multiple faces to extrude.
thanks for your time,
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