I am trying to trim lots of smaller solid shapes to fit a specific dimensions and am running into issues on how I can do this. I have attached the file. What I need is all the scales trimmed to fit within the rectangle that is behind it. 120mm x 390mm and if anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated.
You’ve got a good start. Make a frame that your rectangle would fit into and make it thick enough to extend beyond the scales. You can then use Trim for the Solid tools to trim the scales where they need to be trimmed.
Actually, you don’t have to trim all of the boundary scales. Trim one on the top and use it to replace the rest along the top. Do the same at the bottom and at the ends.
I have tried that just now and its not cutting the top line in half its just cutting a very small slit in the side of it. Is there anything else you could suggest?
I took the liberty of redrawing your scales and I used components instead of groups which saves a lot of time. Then I used Trim and Keep instead of the Trim tool from the Solid Tools set. Scales.skp (241.1 KB)
I reality, would the scales be individual parts or would it be one piece pierced with the scale shapes?
I would have done that but am quite new to Sketchup so thought it would be easier to draw one then duplicate it up as I thought combining them would be the easy part.
Been trying to follow the thread linked above but struggling to get more than one scale connected without it mucking up and then not working. Any ideas?