Some cool examples of my own

I’ve been doing an increasing number of SketchUp projects for hire for other architects recently. This one forced me into the classic task of modeling some kind of surroundings and using a renderer. For my own projects, I obviously like Match Photo, but that wasn’t an option here. The only renderer I have to work with as yet is SU Podium. The results aren’t bad, but I still feel the need to get better. Any helpful advice appreciated.

Technical notes: Project uses new Marvin Modern product line. It’s so new, I had no literature, but Marvin already put DC components in 3D Warehouse. Boy, that made my day! Sky dome, Podium Physical Sky, 2D panoramic backdrops all used to aid reflections in the glass. At the end, I took line and outline output and composited them with the rendering in Photoshop. We ended up liking that look the best.

Straight Renderings:

Renderings with linework composited back in: