Hello all:)
A little back story. A year ago, i started using SU pro 2015 almost extensively. I was in my Solidworks CSWA and CSWP courses. I finished those with flying colors. I wanted to transition to SU pro so i could continue my learning. Well, it has been a year and for my anniversary, i decided to try out a very fun and somewhat complicated project.
I would like to thank Aaron, the sketchup guy, and his accomplice…Matt… I hope that is his name, for challenging their viewers to model a steam engine. I took that challenge and learned ALOT.
I also want to thank Box, DaveR, Tig, Eneroth,dpc, chris fulmer, fredo and many many others, through out this entire year that have helped me be able to learn the ways of SU. Without your guys knowledge and willingness to share said knowledge, i would still be struggling.
Please forgive if i did not mention your name even if you helped. There are to many people to name haha.
As for the steam engine, i am happy to report that each part is indeed a solid. I challenged myself to use intersect faces, and context more than using solid tools. Which i am pleased to say that i did. The project is MOSTLY done. Just have a few pieces left to build:)
Now onto the fun stuff:)