Does both the steam in and the exhaust out connect to the rotary valve? Does the rotary valve also provide direction change (reverse)? I thought direction change was by some gadget in the valve train.
Beautiful modeling
Does both the steam in and the exhaust out connect to the rotary valve? Does the rotary valve also provide direction change (reverse)? I thought direction change was by some gadget in the valve train.
Beautiful modeling
Yes, the valve is set up for that. This is a model engine. The flywheel is only 100mm in diameter. No space for conventional reversing gear on this one.
Is there a 12-step program for people who are addicted to modeling steam engines in SketchUp?
Yes, there is a twelve-step program, Take twelve steps away from the keyboard.
4 x 3d printers. Start making models.
I enjoy the drawings.
Dieselization is the only steam engine replacement therapy with a proven track record.
Now Dave, you must be honest with yourself first.
You do not have a Steam Engine modeling problem, you have a Sketchup addiction…to which I am sad to inform you, there is no number of steps to a known cure for.
Seriously though…really nice work, one of my favorite threads!
And the presentation style(s) are very nice too!
I know a 3D printing addict. It is not good for the global plastics consumption figures.
As much as I’d like to have a 3D printer, this is on my mind. We need simple home recycling capability.
Love the style on this last image.
Thank you sir.
Me too. I would drive my wife to desperation by filling our household with useless, if cool, small plastic objects. Better keep everything virtual.
I have a 3D printer, it is another tool in my tool box. It is used when necessary otherwise it takes up space.
I joined a maker space with several 3D printers so I could have access without having to buy my own, and thereby guaranteeing I never doing anything with a 3D printer.
Yeah that is the ticket, but I am not close to one. AFIK the closest is 45 minutes away,
Mine isn’t far, maybe 20 minutes, but parking is always a problem, plus other issues including lack of urgency to play around have meant that I just never get around to it or go there. Over several years now, I’ve spent enough in dues, I might as well have bought my own printer. If I had my one, I would get around to playing and learning.
For what I paid for the printer, I consider it a good investment. Several of the pieces I have made were for repairs for others. These were parts that were not available unless buying an expensive assembly.
I noticed that there is a new makerspace in WBL.
A few major parts and a bunch of small hardware left. The timing on the right side is done. Now I have to work backwards to time the left side. Playing with one of my sketchy styles.