SketchupPro 2020.2 problems downloading from 3D Warehouse

Since upgrading from Pro 2020.2 3D Warehouse is a mess. If you download something from it and don’t like it to go in the model that you are working still goes there!!!
2. Saving after downloading from 3D Warehouse overwrites the model and saves just the thing from 3D Warehose.
Any idea???
The upgrade is a big mess.

I think that it has always worked that way. If you click the thumbnail of something you are interested in, in the Components tray, it does immediately download into the model you are working on. If you click on the text title or description, it opens up the 3D Warehouse window, and you get a better chance to decide if you like the model.

If you’re not sure, and click Download, you are asked if you want to download it into the current model. You can click No to that question, and have the model downloaded as its own file, which you choose where to save.

I’m using the program for several years. It doesn’t work that way anymore. You click NO and still goes in model

I always open a new file first, then the downloded model goes into it for inspection.

Would that work for you?

It’s easier on a Mac, which can open a new model in a new tab. In Windows you have to open a new instance of SU.

We had a support request about this as well. It seems that in Mac 2020.2 you can save the file, but in Windows 2020.2 the model comes into the current document even if you chose No.

I am checking into who I should report this to.