Sketchup to convert from IFC to gbXML?

Dear all,

We are an engineering company, developing our BIM capabilities. Our energy analysis software supports gbXML, but not IFC. On the other hand some CAD-tools only export IFC and not gbXML. To accomodate our architecture clients in this case, would it be possible to use for example the Simlab IFC Importer to import IFC, manually edit the geometry where needed, and export it to gbXML with the gModeller extension?

Does this make sense, or will there be too much lost in translation? I understand that the demands on the gbXML regarding clean geometry are higher than in the IFC, hence the need for editing in between.

Thanks for your input and ideas. We are also very interested in your experience regarding IFC and gbXML, although this is maybe not the right forum for more elaborate discussions on this topic.

Thank you,
