AA doesnt really make a difference to images…i dont know conclusively if it does anything or not, but i didnt see an improvement turning it off. Remember you also have Antialisaing and Quality settings within your NVidia Display Properties…turn it to Quality and see if that helps.
It might be possible for Pix4d to generate a flat "unwrapped " image that can be draped; it will look distorted when you view it in 2D but appear correct in 3d…but it still wont cover the areas under tree canopies. For that I beleive you need a triangulated image (unless there’s a differnet format such as a raster(3d) TIF such as the kind that GIS uses; but Im not sure that SketchUp recognises the 3d pixels)
Good practise is to slice the model up anyway as it will be pretty hard to handle all in one SketchUp view. Editing and snapping becomes very problematic if you cant isolate parts of the model; EG, SU will try to snap to everything that’s visible. Snapping tiles like a jigsaw puzzel is no problem (but good practise is to ask the surveyor to include a common base point or grid as a snapping reference)
& yes, if it is triangulated then you can have: Either 1000000 tiny images, Or the same image used 100000 times with different positional settings. Each survey/photogrammetry software will offer different options for this. In both cases, it’s 90% certain that you wont easily be able to edit the image or mesh in SU (eg by using sandbox tools) because the image will lose it’s position and scale very easily, and become distorted.
With scaling down from 8000x8000px down to 4096x4096 you would expect some loss of quality, but SketchUp’s quality loss appears quite substantial. It’s compressing the image quite a lot, and/or possibly not using a fantastic resampling algorithm. Could there be an adjustment in quality setting somewhere (a Tick box saying “Use Maximum Texture Size” as well as "Use High Quality image sampling’) .
I was really hoping that Trimble’s purchase of SketchUp would have bought with it some improved tools around the handling of imported survey and GIS data. We havent had any movement in that space for years but those datasets are now totally common in the AEC industry (the manual theodolite-based methods are history). Modelling directly over top of 3d scanning would be a natural workflow for SketchUp to master. Maybe Realworks could even become part of the Pro suite (like Seifara is)???
I’ve attached a couple of images of a project I modelled recently using point cloud scanned data. The scan is maybe a billion coloured points, very high res (trimble SX10 gear, plus a bit of manual patching with the GPS RTK). It looks amazing in Realworks…incredibly lifelike, but all i can do is bring in basic “traced” linework from the model (highlighted in pink). Its not terrible, but it would be nice to bring points into the SketchUp model. Tracing linework is also a bit error prone and theres manual effort and cleanup involved…not ideal for critical/structural design.
I have some examples of modelling over top of high res photogrammetry as well…maybe i can share those on Monday. From memory we did a tile about 200x200m at 5cm pixel resolution, then a bunch of surrounding tiles at 25cm pixels.