Sketchup studio free trial

I have been trying to download a free trial of sketchup studio in order to convert a RVT file to a SKP file however am having issue when I go to download SUS there is no dowload button that I can see

hello, did you try there Account Setup | SketchUp and fill the form ?

I allready have an account and was signed in

I have a sketchup pro liscence and an account and I get this

well, it says what is says !

You might have unticked the ‘automatically assign’ button during the process, which means you have to do that in the Members section.

I have never downloaded sketchup studio in fact did not even know of it. And if I did accidently download it today ( pretty sure I did not) that would mean the trial period lasts 5 hours not 30 days

Not sure what that means mate. However I spent about 2 hours playing and trying to download SUS and it was so convoluted…and confusing. Anyway just downloade studio 3D max. took about 8 minutes and was not troublsome atall

I can’t check it out but I believe if you already used sketchup pro as a trial, you won’t have another trial version for studio. Sketchup is the main program used in both plan, the difference between those two plans are extensions / addons available to your use.

Hey Paul, I have a pro licence 2023, last updated in feb

With pro licence 2023 and studio licence you are using the same Sketchup Pro desktop product.

This is what I have

Your forum profile says you have SketchUp 2017 Make. Please correct that.

I don’t think you can run a Studio trial since you already have a Pro subscription. At the time you initially started the trial of SketchUp 2023 it would have been the Studio trial. You can’t run another trial period. You can upgrade to a Studio subscription if you want.

You have a SketchUp Pro licence , so you already have (downloaded) a SketchUp Pro 2023, witch is a desktop product.
The trial is always starting with a Studio licence which is included the products related to that licence. (please click on my quoted post in my previous post, and see the comparison witch licence allows what product )

When you have a studio licence the SketchUp Pro 2023 desktop software (product) will be the same. The differences are that you can use additional features/products (software’s). See post from Paul above.
As Dave said, I don’t think you can have an additional trial.

(Perhaps you can create new Trimble ID and login with that, but again the SketchUp Pro 2023 desktop software will be the same, but you need to login with new ID to be able to use Vray, Scan Essentials, Revit importer…)

I purly wanted to download it to convert a revit file to SKP which my 'Pro" license can not do wwich I think it should being a 'Pro" license

This “matrix” clearly saying it is not… :wink:
(see checkmark at lower right corner)

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Again, you had a 30-day Studio trial when you first installed SketchUp 2023. When the 30-days expired and you chose to pay for the Pro subscription instead of the Studio subscription, the additional features included with Studio were no longer available to you.

Apparently those in charge thought otherwise and made the Revit importer part of the Studio package. I expect Trimble has to pay for the Revit importer and that gets passed on to the users who need it.

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Hi as the folks already said, you will need a studio license in order to activate the revit importer. You can sign up for a trial with Pro subscription each year when we do a reset. But if you have used the trial this year you cannot have another one with the same TID (email) that you have for Pro.

You can download revit importer in the Windows common installer or access revit importer via “MyApps” page when you have a studio or a trial license.

Thanks Olivia, I think you didn’t mean to address it to me… :wink:

Understood guys thanks