Sketchup stops responding after installing Windows 10 latest update

Windows 10 version 1607 just installed. SketchUp 2016 opens but then stops responding. Any ideas?

Did you right-click the installer’s exe file’s icon and use the context-menu ‘Run as administrator’ ?
That is the correct way to do it, any other way can cause issues…

Also, have you tried temporarily disabling your virus-checker before doing the installation ?

Also have you checked that your Graphics Card drivers are up to date ?
What is your GC ?

All that has been done. My graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 550M
It was working just fine until this windows update happened. I re-installed it as administrator but it still hangs after it opens.

Does your GC have the latest drivers installed ?
Find out on

I have the latest Win 10 update and SketchUp versions, and Nvidia GC driver…
I have no problems…

Well, something happened…
The 3D printer software and Photoshop are not working property either. I updated the display driver to no avail. I need to dig deeper.
Thank you for your help. At least I know Sketchup and Windows 10(1607) should be compatible.

I ended up rolling-back the windows anniversary update last week due to seemingly random system hangs lasting seconds to minutes. It wasn’t one specific program, but my entire system would hang. I couldn’t get any work done. No problems after I rolled-back. Make a back-up of your user files if you try this.

In a strange way that makes me feel better. The rollback crossed my mind. I may just do that. Thank you.