Everytime I try to export a simple or complex model to a 2D graphic or 3D model, sketchup pro crashes.
Share the .skp file so we can see what you are working with.
Is your model saved to a local, internal drive? Are you trying to save the exported files on the internal drive?
test.skp (64.0 KB)
The file is saved to google drive; but accessible offline.
Are you sure you’re working with the local file and you don’t have streaming enabled? Are you exporting to a local directory?
Crash #359751
the test.skp file is saved to my local desktop. I’ve restarted and open this local file, export to 2d graphic and it still crashes. I’ll take a look one last time.
@DaveR Hi Dave, I’ve saved the test.skp file to the hard drive and went through the steps of exporting. The file crashed.
Try repairing the installation of SketchUp. Find the installer which is probably still in your Downloads folder (or get it from Download All | SketchUp) right click on it and choose Run as administrator. Then when prompted choose Repair.
I’m not having any problems with image or other exports even with your test file. There’s got to be something with your computer or a permission that isn’t set correctly.
Maybe @colin will have time soon to look at your bug splat report.
When I look at any crash report I can have it show me all of the crashes of the same type. When I do that for your case there are only 14 crashes listed. That in itself makes it seem like it’s not a common issue. That all 14 of the bugsplats are from you makes it seem like a unique situation!
Amongst your extensions you have 3dbazaar and Placemaker. I hadn’t heard of 3dbazaar, it looks neat. It would be worth trying to run with those disabled, and see if the crashing still happens.
I’ll try and repair the installation of the sketchUP per your suggestion @colin
Also try disabling those extensions Colin mentioned. Maybe one of those has something to do with it.
I’ve disabled the extensions, repaired the installation and it still crashes. Should I try to re install the software? @colin
You could try updating to SU2023 and see if you still have problems.
Ok…I’ll try that.
@colin I’ve upgraded to 2023 and I can now export. No crash. thanks for all the advise!!!
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