SketchUp Pro 2021 - resource busy

The new Sketchup Pro download returns the warning message “SketchUpPro-0.d Resource busy”. I tried using the Disk Utility app to verify as a way of making this work to no avail. I was excited to try this version because since installing Big Sur on my Mac my wireless space mouse no longer works with SUP. Any help is appreciated

I don’t know what the Resource busy message means. How did you install SU 2021? You should open the downloaded .dmg and in the resulting window drag the SU icon onto the Applications icon. Then close the install window and eject the .dmg. If you are trying to run directly from the .dmg, that will cause errors.

3DConnexion has a beta of a driver compatible with Big Sur, but they say it is not yet compatible with SketchUp. So on that one you will need to wait for them to finish testing. SU 2021 is compatible with Big Sur, but it can’t fix issues with the 3DConnexion driver extension.

Thanks SL,

I dowloaded the DMG. The warning happens when you try to open the downloaded dmg. I have been working with 3DConnextion and understand they are working on their end of things. There is a video on YouTube about this error and how to get around it, but it is not working on this.