SketchUp Pro 2019 tool sizes

Im just starting to switch from sketchup make 2016 to sketchup pro 2019. I am wondering if there is a way to change to size of the purple dot at the end of the various tools to a size similar to the 2016 version?
Is there a way to thin line sizes as well?
I feel as though the new pro version looks softer than my 2016 make version


In 2016 version

There isn’t any setting in SketchUp to change the size of the inferencing marks.

As for the line thickness, you might have selected a style that has heavier profiles than you are used to using. You can edit that and change it. My default style for my templates has profiles set to 1.

Tooltips, cursor sizes and inferencing dot sizes are controlled by display scaling setting which is a system setting and can apply to specific displays connected to the system. (Each display might have it’s own scaling setting as monitor resolutions can vary.)

The goal is to make them appear the same size to the user’s eyes regardless of the display’s resolution.
You pics do show quite a bit of difference however. It’s all subjective. To me the 2019 size looks too big, but the 2016 size looks too small.

Thank you dave and dan for the response.
Ive got the line thickness thinned down.
Dan the two different pictures are off of the same monitor. I am not sure i am understanding you as to whether I can change the display scaling setting. Is this something I can access?

I realized this. (They look like phone pics. We would prefer actual cropped screen snips for forum posting.)

It would be a system OS setting. I can tell you how on MS Windows, but I’m not Mac person.

Generally display scaling is the enlargement of UI elements for very high DPI displays. Things (text, buttons, etc.) drawn using pixel dimensions get smaller as dot per inch grow. This can make it difficult for users to see or use GUI controls.

Mac systems & application might have switched over to using relative em dimensions rather than hard pixel dimensions for UI elements already. (Shrug.)

A quick net search reveals on MacOS it is called “scaled resolution” …
