Have a look at the two images below. The model is the same, the GL configuration is the same, the style is the same, but they look very different. In the one taken from 2018, the look is the same as it always has been. In the 2019 view, the lines appear too thick, as if there was a difference in style, but there is none.
The odd thing is that if I close 2019 and reopen it the problem goes away, at least for some time.
I expietrnce the “thick line” phenomena while using external monitors with a retina MacBook. It’s most annoying to have sketchup look so terrible on both my side monitors but good on the laptop screen. I suppose it’s an OpenGL quirk and there is nothing to be done about it?
My machine is an iMac with Retina Display (4096x2304 dpi) side by side with a Cinema Display (2560x1440 dpi), non-Retina. But, if this is the cause of the thick line problem, why does it not happen when I work in Sketchup 2018?
By the way, can you give me the support address? All the issues I have had so far have been raised through this very channel.
Hi edson, this is a result of SketchUp basing the screen resolution on the primary monitor being used when SketchUp is launched. When SU is launched on the laptop then dragged over to the other monitor, the resolution is calculated based on the first monitor. Dragging it back to original monitor will put the line thickness back to the original. This is existing behavior not new with 2019.
What you can do to solve this issue is move the SU window to the secondary monitor, Browse to SketchUp → Preferences… → Workspace then Rest Workspace.
Close then relaunch SketchUp and It should use the resolution based on the secondary monitor.
I had the same issue when I switched from 17 to 18 and it was fixed with a script sent by the sketchup support to set the line weight to 1. ( I run sketchup on Mac book pro 13in late 2013) it worked that time but same is repeated now when I got 19 on my same system. Sketchup 18 and 19 open same file at the same time show two different results.
@designtreeindia, couldn’t you just set profiles to 1 and at the same time lower endpoints to less than what it is now, say to 2 or even disable displaying endpoints?
NAH . this is a different issue than setting Profiles etc. Everything looks clunky including softened edges and component boxes having coarse large dash patterns.
For me this was coming and going at first with 2019 but now. it is mostly not happening. I see it time to time. Actually these pictures don’t do it justice, it can make it hard to read what the edges are doing, especially with hidden geometry showing.