For the first time in over a month I cannot get the online version to open any files. I can access the site, but then it just shows me the two files, with their names as empty oblongs with small ‘wheels’ trundling around in circles. It’s been like that for hours now. Nothing is blocking the site; an ‘expert’ has been looking at that, firewalls and all the erest. What is going on here? Re-starting the PC; running as administrator and ‘repairing’, nothing works.
There are several topic about it
Trimble Connect is down:
You need to wait, till they resolve.
Thanks. It HAS now opened, although I’d reckon it took well over an hour; we went out, so no way of checking.
As I say, this is the first time I’ve had this happen since using the app, I’m just concerned as to when it’s likely to happen again? I thought a warning was usually given ‘ahead of time’ for this kind of thing?
a warning ahead of time is given when maintenance is planned.
if the server crashes, then it crashes.
few years ago, in france, a hosting provider had a fire in a data centre, 3-4h without access to websites.
It’s the downside of working using cloud or web-based tools. Sure, you can access them from anywhere as long as you have a connexion. but you’re at the mercy of crashes and other non planned issues.
You’re using SketchUp Free as a hobbyist. What’s the big deal? Go do something else for a while.
It was the fact that this happened the morning directly after I’d renewed my anti-virus software that chucked the curve-ball . Just glad its working ok now.
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