I’ve just bought a brand new Lenovo Yoga C930 UHD 14" i7 2-in-1 Laptop (16GB ram, 8th-gen intel i7 processor) that cost about $3000 … and sketchup doesn’t work on it.
I can install and open Sketchup fine, but when I open it I:
In this image, those boxes are not actually boxes. They’re the selection boxes made by using the mouse - none of them actually select anything and they stay on the screen even though they should go away as soon as I release the mouse.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled sketchup multiple times, restarted my computer, etc. Still not working.
I’ve been using Sketchup for years and have never encountered this issue, even on lesser laptops. Can anyone please help me out?
It’s not all good news, although it allows Sketchup to function it’s actually telling you that the Graphic Card in your new computer isn’t really up to the job. SU relies heavily on the graphic card and it recommends against using built in Intel cards.
If you bought this laptop specifically to use Sketchup I would suggest you take it back and exchange it for one with a dedicated graphics card, preferably Nvidia.
There is some sort of detection going on, where SketchUp feels like it’s dealing with a capable GPU, enables something that can’t work, and then the user gets a blank screen. Either Intel or SketchUp ought to be able to either clearly say how powerful the GPU is, or detect that the GPU isn’t as powerful as it claims to be.
Or reverse the settings. Have that option off for everyone, and include it as a tip for people trying to get good performance on better GPUs.
@jed.herne , are you sure the laptop doesn’t have a second video adapter?
I have a upper end laptop that for a long time insisted on running sketchup with intel graphics.