I have the right file uploading to OneDrive Again to make sure it is the right file. Its just taking a while to load, so I will send that as soon as it uploads!
I am in interior design so we are required to build a floorplan in AutoCad then import it over and build up in sketchup, while using the sketchup warehouse for everything other than walls and other easily built components. It is supposed to be a way for beginner students to begin to see out ideas in a 3D model. I don’t believe we use Sketchup for very long in the program so they don’t try to teach us. They tell us to ‘’ just troubleshoot it." It’s not supposed to be the best work we do, more for us to just play around and get used to the kind of software we will be using later on.
The lights, we are told to put them in, then toggle back and forth to Enscape to check on how we want it to look when we present.
The components that you said have way more faces than they should such as the bathroom appliances, are objects I have brought in from the warehouse and other furnishing websites that offer 3D sketchup files, so that would be why they are so detailed. I am not building everything in the model, only the large things (walls, window and door openings).
That’s a huge part of the problem. The components you are getting from those sources need some cleaning up to make them useful in your model. That hand rail was probably modeled in something other than SketchUp which accounts for the excessive geometry. The general adice is to down load those components into a separate file, clean them up and make sure they are suitable before adding them to your file.
Understood. Problem is, since you aren’t given any proper instruction in the use of the software your school work ends up being much more difficult than it needs to be.
@DaveR I really do appreciate you helping me. Means a lot considering its keeping me from completely having a panic attack about getting this done haha
Hi Dave,
How did you go about cleaning this up so perfectly without completely remodeling it…?(!)
Never mind, you DID re-draw it… This might be useful for simple objects but is there a way to clean up / convert triangles to quads on semi to complex models without using Skimp or Transmutr? Is this something for SubD…?
I did redraw the towel bar. It’s such a simple component that it’s almost ridiculous to be importing one from some other application.
As for reducing other objects, it depends on the object. Very often even objects that seem to be complex really aren’t. Or rather, don’t have to be complex.
If you must use objects that come in as triangulated and if your time has any value whatsoever, an extension like Skimp would pay for itself in short order.
I will say that I prefer to make my own components from the ground up to spending time fixing what others or other software have done.
Both Transmutr and Skimp do a good job of lowering poly count, but you will end up losing detail anytime you choose to decimate any mesh. The only way to maintain the detail you need is to edit or redraw like @daver showed.
Understood, I do own Trasmutr and did have Skimp till TM caught my attention. This always circles around to rendering for me, and value of time. I do love modeling but to be productive vs pining over every little detail VRay Next and the Cosmos seems to fit this niche of (quickish) interior / visualization. Proxies can do miracles for heavy files. Thanks guys, Happy Holidays.