I own SketchUp Pro and post my drawings for my clients in the 3D warehouse. I encourage them to download SketchUp Make to review their drawings. However, I do not want to train them how to move around in the drawing so I set up scenes for them to just click to view the project view I want them to see. This worked for a client that I had about 1 year ago but I did this again this week and the scenes tabs do not come up in the drawing on SketchUp Make. Is there something that I have turned off inadvertently? I would appreciate your feed back.
There isn’t any reason that scene tabs wouldn’t show up in a SketchUp file produced in Pro and viewed in Make. Is Scene tabs ticked in the View menu? Did you see the file opened on their computer? What kind of computer? The tabs are centered over the model space on Mac but show up over toward the left on the PC.
The View menu has a Scene Tabs entry. Is that checked?
I did not know that there was and option to turn off or on. Thank you for this. I have located it in the file but it is grayed out. IS there another place I should look?
Hi Dave, I have Pro on my iMac where I create the design. I downloaded Make on my Macbook Pro to demo for the customer. But the Scene tabs don’t show up on it. The Scene Tabs option in the view menu is grayed out.
Scene Tabs is grayed out in documents that don’t have scenes. Does it become available if you add a scene?
I had created scenes in my drawing that I posted in the 3D warehouse. That is why I thought that they would be in the drawing when downloaded from the warehouse
There’s the problem. The model gets uploaded to the Warehouse but not the scenes. I should have caught that in your first post.
How do I get the scenes uploaded along with the model?
You’ll need to use a different repository for sharing the file if you want the scenes to be available. Maybe use Drop Box or Google Drive. The 3D Warehouse is for sharing models and components but not presentations which is what it sort of what the scenes make. The scenes are not the model, though.
Thank you Dave, I will try that.
If you download the file directly from within SketchUp , you won’t get the scenes (or used style)
If you download from the 3D Warehouse with your browser, and open the downloaded file, you will have your scenes,styles etc
There is also the possibility to use SketchUp viewer for the client download here:
There is the hololens,mobile and desktop version
Good catch. I forgot about that.
Thanks Mike, I just downloaded the viewer and then downloaded the file from my browser from the 3D warehouse. It worked perfectly!
Thank you to all who responded here. When I was looking at what software to buy it was the SketchUp community that convinced me this was the one to invest my time into learning. Thank you all
does it work in HoloLens?
I tried to download it from browser and tried to open it from HoloLens viewer. but it doesn’t work.
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