Sketchup License Access

My company’s subscription wasn’t set to auto-renew and expired, so the account manager reactivated/resubscribed, giving him an opportunity to bring my account under his. With the previous year’s subscription my account hadn’t been registered under the account managers, we’re not sure why. HIs account would not show my email as a member and my license wasn’t one of the count listed under his manager account.

After he assigned a license to my email I wasn’t able to access it, which we figured had to do with my account not being registered under his. I deleted and recreated my account using the email/link Trimble gave him to help employees set up their accounts and get access to their licenses.

Now my account is correctly nested under his manager account, and on his members tab it shows that I have one of the licenses for our company. On my account, however, there is no indication that it is linked to our company or his account in any way. It is listed as a personal account and in my products tab I am only shown sketchup free. In my members tab there is just me, none of the rest of the members of the company who have a sketchup license.

Our client services rep sent my to the tech support number but I had to leave a voicemail and await a reply. I do basically all my modeling and route file building using sketchup so I’m sort of stuck waiting for a resolution. If anyone has had a similar issue I’d love to hear how you resolved it. Thanks!

Make sure you are logged in with the correct email. If you are certain that you are you should be able to click the “Personal Account” header in the menu to the left in the Account Management Portal this will list all accounts associated with your email.

Definitely have the correct email, but the only time I see “personal account” listed is the first screen after logging in, but it’s not a clickable link. (screenshot 1) Once I select any of those options, on the lefthand side it doesn’t say personal account anywhere. (screenshot 2) You can see in my members tab it only shows myself.

I think my account is not registered under the account manager for my company, so I’m looking for a way to link them so that it is, and I can have access to my license. The other comp member - who was able to relink and is using his license - says that when he registered he used his email, but the account managers password instead of creating his own. Would I be able to delete my account and try to reregister this way? His lefthand menu only has the my products tab, and says that it’s a company account listed under our co name but he doesn’t have a members tab or any way to view who else is listed under the company account.

Yours is diffrent from mine. Here is a screenshoot of how it looks for me.

I would suggest you reach out to your admin and confirm that the license has been assigned to your email in the members section on his account. Might be something as simple as a typo for your email address.

Figured it out, thank you!! The account manager has my email wrong :woman_facepalming:

Glad you managed to solve it :grinning:

Couple of things, for interest…

Teeem had the extra down arrow button because he has more than one Trimble ID. As you had deleted the old account and made a new one, you were still only using one Trimble ID, and so no need to give you a menu to switch to a different ID.

An admin can assign a subscription to anyone, there doesn’t have to be any connection between the admin and the intended user. You didn’t need to delete the old account.

Seems like an odd way to define it maybe it’s a sytem thing? I would assume that I only have one TrimbleID (my email).
My email has has been assigned licenses form multiple other TrimbleID (Accounts) that are in reality are companies that purchased and manage the licenses.

You’re right, I described it incorrectly. Your email address can be the same, you get a menu if more than one different Trimble ID assigned a subscription to you.

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