I’ve been using SketchUp 2017 with LayOut on my MacBook Pro 15-inch, mid 2012, 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512 MB + Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB on OSX without issues but, on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 I’m having this problem (with SU2017 already present and with the new SU2019):
opening a Layout file with connected Sketchup file, when trying to update or reconnect it crashes;
It seems to be a problem with the graphic board installed so I’ve disabled the automatic change of the graphic board in system preference panel but no solution was provided.
I’ve also tried to find a solution on web but still in trouble.
The only solution I got was to install SU2019 on Windows 7 64bit natively on same MacBook Pro and it works!!
I don’t understand why I can’t use SU2019 on OSX.
Can someone help me?
I encountered this same problem on the same hardware during basecamp 2018. I discussed it with one of the developers and was told that there was an issue with the way that Layout hands off to the SketchUp engine for re-rendering when you change between raster and vector. Evidently it happens only with certain MacBookPros and with certain SketchUp model situations. I’ve not heard of a fix…