SketchUp Import to DWG + FreeCad+LibreDWG Command Line Talk

Hello Community!

In the SketchUp I have exported my model to DWG 2018 version.

In the FreeCad, with a dwg2dxf tool, I’ve imported that DWG and I got rather bizarre version of the model I’ve created in SketchUp.

However, in SketchUp, when I imported the exported DWG, I got a near perfect export with only dimensions being off, although I have set in the Page Setup that 1" is 1" in model.

I want to know if anyone uses FreeCad and if they have a better import/export method for it.

Also, how do you properly export a SKP file to DWG/DFX in SketchUp?

Usually this happens when you are exporting as a 2D image and your camera is set to Perspective projection. Perspective images cannot be to scale.

I exported it in parallel projection and in isometric view.

The 2D export to dxf was perfect, however the 3D had many discrepancies.

I will try to get some screenshots tomorrow at work.