still the same person. i cant understand why the dwg is the problem yall, cause i can import jpeg and skp files, i also can export the file into PDF but cant seem to export/import any DWG file. evertime i try to import the DWG it says like
and everytime i try to export the file to DWG it says
i dont think the file is the problem yall it stress me out
Have you tried repairing your SketchUp installation? Right-click on you SketchUp installer, select Run as administrator from the context menu, and click on Repair when the button appears.
Just in case the repairing or reinstalling sketchup doesn’t solve the problem, you can just delete the 3D geometry in Autocad or the cad program you use or in sketchup cut to the clipboard(Ctrl+X) the 3D onject, then export as 3D dwg after that paste the object if you don’t want to lose it, you’ll have either way just the 2D floor plan. If you need to add more things to the model, like furniture, you can use the plugin make 2D from Curic and repeat the process.