Exports into DWG File Help

Hi, Can someone please Export File into 2D Graphic, DWG format please, tried, but Sketch up not responding (have purged). I have attached File.

31 01 22 layout - MPSLT.skpf.skp (9.8 MB)

What version of SketchUp are you using? Your profile shows conflicting information. What operating system? “2021” is not an operating system. What graphics card? “000” is not a graphics card.

Sorry, I am using Sketch up pro 2021

Please correct your profile.

If you want a 2D .dwg file you should set the camea to Parallel Projection and choose the standard Top view.

There’s a lot of geometry in the file to export so it’ll take some patience. I’ve started an export but may have to cancel it so I can start with a student.

Thanks DaveR, I did try this before, but did not respond and left Computer over night. I will send file with changes, is it a software issues? or my computer does not have the ability ?

31 01 22 layout - MPSLT.skpf.skp (9.7 MB)

I expect it’s just a case of tons of geometry to export.

That’s hard to say. The little bit of information you’ve provided in your profile about your computer is nonsense so we can’t even judge from that.

I canceled the export I started to open your later upload. I notice you still have incorrect tag usage in the file. (we talked about that with this model previously.)
Screenshot - 1_31_2022 , 9_00_59 AM

I’ll have to get back to this later because my student will be logging in shortly.

You might try sending your file to LayOut, rendering as Vector and then exporting from there.

By the way, why is your model more than a kilometer from the model origin?

Hi Dave, What is the correct Tag usage I should be using?

Thanks, let me know how you get on. I think Mihai was able to help me in a previous session, however I would like to identify the root cause so I can sort the issues without help.

I have no idea why my model is Kilometre from Origin, how do I rectify this?

Thanks for the help so far.

57M edges is a lot to process. It took my new Macbook 2~3 minutes to export (top view, Camera parallel and exported as 3DModel)

reimporting that 38MB dwg back in SketchUp resulted in a 127M edges file and took about 3~4 minutes.

Select the appropriate entities (components, groups, guides, edges, faces, etc.) and use the Move tool. Move what you want back closer to the origin (where the red, green, and blue axis lines intersect). One simple way after activating the Move tool is to click-and-release on a point of the model that you want to relocate to the origin, then type [0,0,0] and press Return.

Thanks, I have no issues with 3D, just a problem with 2D Graphic, is this possible to create and share with me?

I did a few posts ago, you should be able to download it:

Click on the three dots menu

Is only allows to PDF , was wondering if I could have dwg 2D graphic? Thanks

Mmm, might be a glitch in the matrix. Can you delete the .pdf part (your file already has multiple dots in the name)

Perfect I have manage to download to DWG, however it is 3D. Can you do a 2D Graphic export and share Dwg?

About 90% of all the geometry in the model is contained in these overly detailed components:

It is mainly due to all the minuscule roundings in the profiles and other similar details. For facility layout purposes this could be made of simple boxlike shapes.

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yes, I tried to export via 2D, but I suspects it ending up in some kind of loop (I got a warning when exporting via 3D that some groups where scaled or skewed and unexpected results may occur)
If you are going to need the 2D output anyway, it’s better to have some strategy.
I have ‘Saved as’ three components and opened individually, added a 2D and 3D tag and assigned the 3D objects to the 3D tag, did an export 2D from it and imported that back in the component file, assigned 2D tag and then reloaded back in the main file.

B02.skp (1,6 MB)

scaffale ferro.skp (141,6 KB)

In the main file, turned of 3D and then did the 2D export which took less then 2 minutes, so you can try it yourself:

31 01 22 layout - MPSLT.skpf.skp (9,8 MB)