Failure to export to 2D Graphic

Hello! I am working in Sketchup Pro 2024. I have a very large model and was never expecting to export it to 2D until someone I am working with requested it. I have tried to simplify the model as much as I can like deleting old tags and items that were under them. Hiding all hidden objects and geometry. I have tried for FOUR days to export this file and it literally will just not work. I even let it run on exporting for 3 hours straight with no luck. Multiple attempts, multiple force quits. At one point it actually did export and I was very excited, only to find out that it only exporting a corner of the model?

Please help if anyone knows what to do!

Can you share the .skp file with us so we can see what you are working with and also so we can try it on a different machine?

What settings are you using in your image export? What file format are you exporting?

If the model is bigger than 16MB, which seems likely from your post, you will need to upload it to a file sharing site such as wetransfer and provide a link to it here. Be sure to make it accessible to all.

Thanks DaveR for your response! Please see file below & let me know if it works. I am trying to convert to a .dwg file. I am not quite sure what setting I am using as I have just been clicking export to 2D Graphic.

Thank you slbaumgartner for your response!

See link here:

Let me know if it works. Thanks!

Choose 3d export for a dwg

I’ll see if I can get anything useful but with almost 7 and a half million edges in the model, it will take time to export as a vector file. You have the Camera set to Perspective but it should be set to Parallel Projection.

BTW, as I’ve been working through your model I’m finding components like this computer display arm with a ridiculous amount of visible geometry. The arm really should not need to be that detailed in the first place but all of those exposed edges have to be processed.

There are chairs and other furniture that show the same thing. You should clean that stuff up. I would also suggest replacing the couches and other heavily detailed furniture with lower poly components.

Thanks for the suggestion! I tried this and it did export! But it was too detailed on the .dwg and I got a bunch of Error messages saying the drawing is damaged. I am simplifying the .skp file and will try again with 2D and 3D

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7.5 Million!!! :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :melting_face: :face_with_peeking_eye:

Ok thank you for the suggestion! I have deleted all electronic accessories, replaced all the chairs with more basic models and have gotten it down to 4.2 million! which I realize is still a lot lol It is in the process of trying to export again but its still been about 15 mins and nothing yet so trying to be patient!

4.2 million edges is still an awful lot of edges.

I just took out most of the furniture and plants and notebooks and stuff. Closer to half a million edges which is still quite a lot but shouldn’t take nearly as long to export to dxf. Would probably be faster to export the .dxf from LayOut, too.

PATTERN_NEW purged.skp (13.5 MB)

That exported to dxf from SketchUp in about 10 seconds for me.

Unfortunately I need all the furniture in the plan because the person who needs the file needs to place lighting above the furniture, I tried it from Layout and that worked, however, then the person I am sending the .dwg file to can’t work in the model right? because it’s not scaled and is not “clickable” right?

I figured that might be the case but it shows that it’s the heavily detailed furniture that is causing the long export time. Replace the furniture with much simpler components and make sure they have edges softened. There are numerous pieces of furniture in your model that are like the display arms with all of their geometry visible. Make it easier for yourself and your computer by lightening the load the furniture is imposing on your model. Be sure to purge the unused components when you replace them.

IT FINALLY WORKED! OMG. I got it down to 2 million lines by deleting and replacing all upholstered furniture that had too much detail & eventually it decided to export. Still had all the error messages but I am hoping they can work around it. Thank you so much for all your help! :smiley:

I see these error messages when opening DWG files created on a Mac with a PC. There is a difference in the way AutoCad handles text on the two platforms. Is that happening here too?

Yeah there were like 3 different messages saying that the drawing is damaged and the text won’t be accurate and the another one that said there was x amount of issues and CAD deleted a bunch of stuff.