Sketchup Hex codes for colors

Hi all,

I just purchased and started working w sketchup pro (on windows) and i can’t seem to find a way to change colors with hex codes. It is super time consuming to copy over the RGB since I can’t just copy and paste one number, I have to manually put in 3. Online it says HEX should be an option?

Am i missing something?

Check the RGB pallet… on a Mac the HEX # is there.
Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 17.39.32

Unfortunately, not on a PC.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem available on a Windows machine.
You’ll likely have to use an external converter to turn your RGB values into HEX.

The FredoTools extension has an option to input Hexcodes

click me I’m a link

Out of curiosity, what colors are you entering hex codes for?