I’m a bit stuck on my garden idea.
We have some height differences so it’s not always easy to find the best solution.
Although most of it is already decided, I don’t really know how to make a neat staircase from the front. and how to deal with the ‘rounding’ of the grass.
Sketchup file: https://we.tl/t-Ftvvp8B7gT
Thanks for your quick reaction!
I’m really a super beginner and can’t really work good with sketchup yet.
I’ve already added the file and now I’m going to edit my profile
You have access to the Sandbox tools which will be useful for shaping the ground. See:
There seem to be quite a few reversed faces in your model–the exposed blue ones–along with a missing face for the roof. You’ll want to fix those. I would suggest that you delay adding materials until you have the geometry correct.Again, look at the tutorials, first.
As you can clearly see, this is indeed purely drawn with no lessons or guides.
As such, it’s not really that important to me in the first place, as long as I get roughly an idea about the looks, it’s basically enough for me.
However, I see that you are pointing out quite a lot of errors from my project. So you possibly also recommend starting back from scratch?
At the moment the garden has priority and I fear that the learning curve might take a bit too much time to make the best possible drawing (the many level differences that are not all drawn now doesn’t make it any easier). But of course I understand that this is an eyesore for someone who has been working with sketchup for 15 years
Well, I didn’t really want to go that far but it might be easier to start over. I think the key thing is to take the time to go through the tutorial stuff that is available so that you can learn how to use SketchUp correctly. That will make your experience much better and you’ll find it easier to do what you need.
I wouldn’t say it’s an eyesore. It looks like the work of a new user. Not bad for somone with no prior experience but it can be better with a small investment of learning time.
Watch the Sandbox tools videos. You might find that’s not all that difficult to use. As an alternative, you could draw contours on a flat garden shape and then use Push/Pull to pull them up. It would look more like tiers on a wedding cake but might provide the information you need.
Push-Pull Tool for stairs. I divided the height ~evenly with the Tape Measure Tool and then drew lines. As another poster commented, the geometry is off in your model. The ‘wall’ next to the stairs is uneven; but close enough for a not-too-close look. The grade was changed a little with the SandBox Tools.