Sketchup Freezing/Not responding when a lot of object

My project is a large stadium with a lot chair ( about 20.000 pieces). I duplicate chair and use True-bend to design stadium, but it not responding or freezing about 5-10 minutes. I can not any tools for editting.
My computer : Motherboard gigabyte z270-gaming 7, core i7-7700k, 32GB DDR4 , SSD 500GB samsung, Nvidia RTX 1080Ti 11GB.

draft project.skp (8.0 MB)

that’s a 755 million edges and 477 million faces file.


any luck your autosave settings are set to 5-10 minutes ?

Thanks for reply. Exactly with image info. Can you give me advise for this issue, so that it does not freezing again?


oh WOW.

ok, so you took a component that is a row of chairs, but the chair itself is a group.

meaning you have 12351 groups of chairs. meaning there is no simple way to replace them all with simpler chairs.

because yeah, you need to replace them with simpler chairs. this is what a single chair looks like :

Capture d’écran 2024-08-06 à 09.46.34

a single chair is 61k lines and 36k faces. I can make several houses with that much geometry.

your salvation lies in making a simpler chair. making a component out of it. and using it instead

start with these two videos


Thanks for your support. I will try your solution.


hers is a quick 10 min version of the seat that would still work well at a stadium scale

I just eyeballed the proportions of the seat from the side and made 4 components, seat, back, arm and leg

then made them volumes.

it has 258 lines and 98 faces.

new chair.skp (1.6 MB)

Thanks you again.


if you prefer to keep your file, you can already make it lighter :

delete the following components, they are useless :

  • rectangle0 and rectangle1 are under the seat. you don’t see them unless you dismantle the seat.
  • line007 is the front part of the armrest that is partially inside the armrest. I’ll argue that line006 could go too.
  • sphere008 and sphere013 are the bolts on the leg’s plate. nobody needs them.
  • shape001

but know that the chair you’re using has also been modelled way bigger than it actually is, hence the extra geometry. and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been designed in sketchup.

from there the only way I see to replace all the old chairs by the new ones is to cheat a bit.

if I superpose my new chair to the old one, I can then find the origin of one old component, say the seat(object006) , and place my new chair’s origin at the same location.

then I open your file, remove all the components except the seat, I also apply the new scale to the seat, and finally replace the seat by the new chair.

it’s still 3M lines and 1,2M faces, but it’s a LOT less. and you still have some weird groups, but unless you plan on ungrouping all 20k seats, forget about it.

draft project light.skp (1.0 MB)

what I did is called design by proxy.

instead of using super high detailed models, you design using… cubes maybe.

this is my proxy chair.
it’s roughly the correct dimension of my chair, and you can see I placed the axis of the components on the ground, right in the middle.

then I can simply place all my chairs, copy them, rotate them, as you did.

(it can help to mark the front part of your cube)

in another file, I’ll then model my actual chair. and when I’m done, I’ll make sure the axis of the chair are at the same position as with the proxy, in this case, on the ground, in the middle of the seat.

Capture d’écran 2024-08-06 à 10.34.43
in the component panel, if you right click on a component, you can reload it.

reloading a component will replace it by another external component you have, another sketchup file.
so if I reload it using the other chair, it’ll replace the cubes by the chairs.

tadaaaaaam :tada:

This must be the biggest SketchUp model ever discussed here. More than a billion entities.

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I used your project and it reduce freezing :grinning: But It is much better.
. It is amazing, good solution :grinning:

Thanks so much. :grinning: :+1:


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Yes. Big project. :grinning: