SketchUp For Schools Login Issue

We are unable to login to SketchUp for schools after enabling it in google workspaces. Does our domain need to be whitelisted or is there still a known issue with Sketchup in Chrome?

This is the error we are seeing

I am using a G Suite for Education account and I am the one that granted permissions to our organization. Not sure what I am missing, please help.

I am having the same issue. I’m not exactly sure what the issue is, since it worked perfectly last year.

We are experiencing this issue as well. When trying to sign in with Google, there is a sign loop as described above. We were able to sign in using a Microsoft Azure account once permission for the app was granted. Milton prefers to sign in with Google and Google Marketplace.

I am also having this issue and believe that the school domain needs to be added to the Sketchup whitelist. Can you please add to the whitelist.

We are running into a similar issue and are finding code 403 with the message “@ClassroomDisabled The user is not permitted to access Classroom.” We use Google for Edu, just not Classroom since we have an adopted LMS. Hoping to get around this!

Is this the proper way to receive support or should I go another route. Everything I found regarding support directed me here so I am unsure of how to proceed…

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