SketchUp File Not Loading into Twinmotion


My sketchup has not been able to load into twinmotion properly since last Wednesday. Last Wednesday I had an issue with my podium plugin in sketchup. The IT person at the company I work for went in to try and fix it, but it did not. After he tried I contacted podium and they gave me a list of steps to follow and that worked! But soon after my podium was working properly, my sketchup and twinmotion link does not. I work on a 2023 16-inch MacBook Pro Apple M2 Max 64GB operating on Sonoma 14.6.1. I model in sketchup and use twinmotion to render.

When I go to import my sketchup file (by using geometry) into twinmotion nothing loads in. It seems that if my laptop is the last computer to touch a sketchup file, it corrupts it. I found a work around by using another computer to model and saving the model to a server and uploading it to twinmotion from there. This allows me to load in the model to twinmotion and render because my laptop is never actually opening or saving the sketch up file. However, this can not work for the future.

To try and fix this problem I have reinstalled both applications, wiped my computer to a clean slate, and continuously restarted the programs and the computer itself. When I wiped the computer, a pop-up regarding sketchup and my graphics card appeared. Maybe this has something to do with it?

After wiping my computer, initially I was able to reimport old sketchup files into twinmotion, but then as soon as I opened the one of the files (that was corrupt apparently) nothing loads into twinmotion. So now anytime I try to reload a sketchup file into twinmotion, nothing appears.

I am at a loss at what is causing this issue and any support or guidance in the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Are you importing the .skp from within Twinmotion or trying to use the datasmith plugin? Is Podium still loaded on your SketchUp? Have you tried disabling Podium in the extensions manager and restarting SU, save a file and try again. If the import is working on other machines besides yours, and the problem started after Podium was installed I would look there first.

As another test, save out your file from SketchUp as an .stl and import that from within TM, does it work?

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Hi! I am importing within twinmotion. Podium is still loaded on and I use it. The import works on my computer, I just cant open the sketchup file on my device and then reimport it.

Sounds like Podiums under the hood materials handling is breaking the .skp for Twinotion. Open the extension manager in SketchUp, click on the home list at the top. Find podium and switch the button on the right side of it from “enabled” to “Disabled”. Then at the bottom choose apply. Then quit and restart SketchUp. Open a file and resave it, then test in TM. This can easily be reversed after the test to enable podium again.

And try the .stl test with a file on your computer as the podium alterations to the .skp file should not carry over to an .stl.

I have not heard of specific conflicts between these two renderers, but I imagine there are not that many who actively use both.

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Hi! Thank you for your help but that did not work.

What did not work? Which thing did you try? What version of TM are you using?

I tried turning off podium and the file still did not load. I am using twinmotion 2023.1.2

The same file that already did not load? Open a fresh file with podium off, save that out as .skp and then import to TM.

The assumption behind this test is that any file ever opened while Podium is active has been corrupted. it’s a guess, also might try adjusting the import settings in TM to collapse or maintain hierarchy and precision UV options.

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Hi I’m having the same issue with Sketchup Web version with any file that I try and save moving forward, or create for that matter, did you get to resolve your issue?

I have imported sketch up file in Twin motion, and i have worked on it. But next day i wanted to work on a same model, but it is not getting open. WHAT WILL BE THE REASON? Can anyone please help me. @endlessfix

it would be simpler if you started your own thread. this one was about a specific case where apparently Podium would create an issue with twinmotion.

and if you want us to help you, you’ll need to provide a file so we can try it and rule out some issues.

also, your profile says you’re using sketchup for school, do you mean sketchup pro with student discount or the kid version ?