Hello! I have a little problem with SketchUp scenes in Layout. I am sorry for my bad english, but i hope you can understand my problem and help me with it.
I have SketchUp Pro 2017 version and i have made a furniture 3D model and also scenes about every furniture detail. I want to make a Layout file which consists different scenes in different styles. Some scenes are in “monochrome”, in “x-ray” and in “backedges” sketchup style. I have a problem with that.
Adding a different style for different scenes doesn´t work. For example - when i watch my model in topview in x-ray style and create a scene about it, now i open it in layout - x-ray style is gone, it shows just in monochrome… how can i fix it?
Also same thing happens with precreated scenes. I want add “backedge” style for precreated scene. I open scene, view it in “backedge” style and update scene. now i save my sketchup model. Then it doesn’t matter is layout open berfore or i open it, when i update layout file or update model preferences, nothing happens - scene is also shown in monochrome style. How can i fix it?
Is there any solution how can i make my scenes in transparent or shown in “backedge” or “x-ray” style?
I am very-very happy when somebody could help me and give me a good advice how to manage with that problem.
Thanks for advices!