Scenes and Styles

I am doing a model and have a few scenes to show different outside views and sections of this model.
When I create a scene showing the model in X-Ray to see it in, well X-Ray of course, all the other Scenes change to X-Ray as well. I just want that one particular scene to be X-Ray. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you in advance.

Yes. You need to have a different style associated with that scene. Before you do anything else go to window>Preferences>General and make sure the box is ticked for Warn of style changes when creating scenes.

Now edit the existing style so X-ray is not used and update the style. Click on the thumbnail in the upper left of the styles window to update.

Go to the scene you want to show in X-ray, edit the style to include X-ray. Right click on the scene tab and choose Update. You should be presented with a message box giving you some different options. Choose to Save as a new style. Then click Update Scene. You should be all set.

To expand upon Dave’s advice…

Display of section cuts is controlled by Style settings in the Styles/Modeling panel.

The Style that is saved with a Scene ultimately controls how the model is rendered in that Scene.
However, the way an active model is rendered onscreen is contingent upon two factors…
…the active Style and any temporary unsaved changes one may have made to that Style.

When a Scene is created the only Style properties that are saved are those of the active Style.
Any unsaved changes one has made to the active Style are not saved with the Scene.

Before creating a Scene, consult the Styles Browser — In-Model Panel.
If unsaved changes have been made to the active Style you’ll see update arrows superimposed upon the style thumbnail image.

• You want a new Scene to save the way the active model is rendered onscreen.
And …
• Unsaved changes have been made to the active Style.

Then, you must either…
• Update the active Style. Thus, saving/incorporating changes made to the active Style.
(However, this alters the properties of that Style across all Scenes in which it was saved.)
• Create a new Style incorporating the way the active model is rendered onscreen.
(Creating a second Style enables you to create a Scene incorporating the way the active model is rendered onscreen while preserving the properties of the first Style across all Scenes in which it was saved)

• You want to create two Scenes.
• In one Scene you want section cuts ON.
• In the other Scene you want section cuts OFF.

Then, you must create a separate Style for each Scene.
• One Style with section cuts ON
• A second Style with section cuts OFF.

SketchUp automatically warns the user when creating a Scene with unsaved Style settings.
However, that automatic warning dialog can be disabled by the user.
To avoid mistakes while creating Scenes it’s best to enable the warning and always leave it on.
Enable /Disable the Scenes-Styles Warning in the Preferences/General Panel.

DaveR, Geo,
Thanks a lot!! It works now the way I need it.