Sketchup crashes when saving files

Estou usando Sketchup Pro 2021 (21.0.339).
Toda vez que tento salvar um arquivo com mais de 20MB ele trava e fecha, mas se eu mando salvar em outro hdd tudo funciona normalmente. Não é problema no arquivo e sim alguma coisa no sketchup mesmo, o hdd está bom e consigo salvar arquivos dolayout normalmente. Alguém pode me ajudar?

In English

I’m using Sketchup Pro 2021 (21.0.339).
Every time I try to save a file with more than 20MB it crashes and closes, but if I send it to save in another hdd everything works normally. It’s not a problem in the file, but something in the sketchup, the hdd is fine and I can save the layout files normally. Can someone help me

Please share the file.

Where are you trying to save the file when it crashes?

this was happening with any file

it seems to work again, I upgraded to 21.1.279 and it is no longer crashing, thank you all for your help

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