Sketchup crashes when opening folders window

I have a 2019 pro subscription, when I try to import a drawing or try to ‘save as’ sketchup immediately shuts down when the folder window opens. I need resolve this asap as I can’t save any new work.


I assume this is a recent change in behavior. Is that correct?

What changed on your computer? Most likely a Windows update with a broken graphics driver. Go to the GPU manufacturer’s site and download their latest driver and install it.

Also you could try repairing the SketchUp installation. Right click on the downloaded installer and choose Run as administrator. Then when presented with the option, choose Repair. Of course do this with SketchUp and LayOut closed.

Yes, this is recent behavior. I’ve not encountered this problem before.

Other than possible updates nothing on the computer has changed. I tried updating the graphics drivers and the device manager says they are up to date and working properly.

Don’t know where the ‘download installer’ is or how to find it.

If you don’t still have the installer in your Downloads folder, you can get it again from Download All | SketchUp

Since it is recent behavior and SketchUp 2019 hasn’t changed in more than 6 months the problem is clearly caused by something else. Again, repairing the installation may take care of it. Also do as I suggested. Get and install the latest graphics drivers from the manufacturer. Don’t trust Windows to tell you that those drivers are up to date.

I tried the repair and reinstalled the driver but problem persisted. After restarting my computer it seems to be working. I’m guessing it was probably the driver?
Anyway, I really appreciate your help with this. THANK YOU!

Sorry. I should have added to restart the computer after repairing the installation. Glad it’s working.

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