SketchUp crashes immediately when I start a project

Sketch up crashes immediately when I start a project. The bug report appears.
I Use Sketch-up Studio. What can I do?

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Did we have a teamviewer session?

Hello, from experience

  1. If you try to open the new sketchup first, will it crash (to confirm whether it is a software problem or a model problem)

  2. If it is your model problem, it is suggested that you open a new SketchUp and try to copy the model into a new SketchUp level by level.

  3. If it crashes as soon as it is opened, it can be converted to other format software (such as DWG, obj…)

Something that I’ve seen happen, where the symptom is that SketchUp crashes as soon as you open an existing file, or start a new model, was caused by having a mixture of versions of SU Podium installed.

If you do use Podium it would be worth running their uninstaller to remove everything, then run the installer for the version you have a license for.

Check other extensions as well, does SketchUp crash if all extensions are disabled?

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Hi Collin,

Thanks for your answer. I have solved the problem now!

Please share what you did to solve the problem so that others who have the same issue can try it too!

It was indeed a mixture of SU Podium versions.
If you upgrade (2.5->2.6) , you must get rid of the prior versions

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