Sketchup CAM options for CNC Cabinetmaking

I’m curious if anyone here is using SketchUp to design and fabricate custom cabinetry with a CNC router. I’d appreciate any feedback on CAM software options, such as Vectric Aspire, Fabber, CabWriter, or any other alternatives that might be worth exploring. Currently, I’m using a different modeling program with integrated parametric cabinet programming and CAM features, but I’m considering transitioning back to SketchUp, which I used before I purchased my CNC router. Looking forward to hearing your experiences!

I do not make cabinets, but I do export pathways from SketchUp for use on 2D cutting applications, CNC router, plasma cutting, waterjet etc. It can certainly be made to work. My workflow requires true curves in DXF format to export to CAM. I use a combination of native export DXF tools in 3D and an extension called GKware Simple DXF.

However, for general cabinet making there are a few extensions specifically designed around supporting that workflow start to finish…

Check out OpenCutList, CabinetSense, and CabMaker32 just to name a few.

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Thanks for your response… all of these look pretty interesting!

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